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Shoulder joint dislocation

This animation shows a dislocation of the shoulder joint.

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Athetosis resulting from basal ganglia injury

This animation illustrates the location of basal ganglia in the brain. Injury to the basal ganglia may result in athetosis (constant writhing movements of the body).

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery

Sleeve gastrectomy involves removing part of the stomach. The remaining section is formed into a tube. This tube can't hold as much food.

Heart Bypass Surgery

This animation shows the procedure of a heart bypass surgery.

Ambien (zolpidem): Important Warnings and Precautions for Use

An overview of Ambien warnings related to allergic reactions, unusual and dangerous behaviors, and other side effects

When is Emergency Treatment Needed for Burns?

A brief overview of minor and major burns, when to get emergency care, and a description of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

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