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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Painful or Frequent Urination in Men

Frequent urination can be a sign of several different medical conditions. Sometimes the problem is located in the urinary tract -- for example, an enlarged prostate can cause this -- but sometimes a system-wide medical problem, such as diabetes, can produce the same symptoms.

To sort out the cause of your symptoms, it will be helpful for you to answer some additional questions about symptoms.

Let's first find out what your urine looks like, since blood in the urine usually points to a problem in the urinary tract itself. You may notice a pink or red tinge to the urine, or small clots. Blood in the urine can also have a dark color, like cola.

Have you noticed any blood in your urine?

Yes, I've noticed blood in my urine.

No, I have not noticed blood in my urine.

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