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Symptom Checker

Step 4: Read and complete the decision guide to learn more about your symptoms.

Loss of Control of Urine in Women

Sometimes loss of urine control can be caused by a very serious medical problem that needs immediate medical attention. Please consider the following questions.

  • Did the loss of control start suddenly, within the last few days?

  • Do you have loss of control over your stool or bowel movements as well?

  • Do you have any new weakness in your arms or legs?

  • Do you have any numbness or tingling?

  • Do you have new back pain?

  • Did you pass out or lose consciousness when you lost control of your urine?

  • Are you or were you slurring your speech?

  • Do you or did you experience a loss of vision?

Yes, at least one of these is true for me.

No, none of these are true for me.

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