... at my clinic, I've found myself in the uncomfortable position of having to do a very rapid detox. Frankly, my head is so messed with, that I've been having extremely serious panic attacks every day when I go to get dosed. At this point, I'm more scared to go to the clinic, than I am to detox!

Obviously, there are many details to my situation. At the beginning of July, I was on 90mg, and as of tomorrow I'll be at 38.5mg. I've actually been doing fairly well. I do have some experience with this, as I detoxed from methadone and a variety of other drugs 20 years ago and stayed clean for about 3 years. I'm wondering if anyone has a good plan for the physical aspects... my head is already a mess, so I don't imagine I'll get much worse in that department. I will greatly appreciate any advice I can get. I know things will start getting much worse very quickly now. I've always found that when you get below about 40mg, helltime starts. Thanks...