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What are best alternatives to Lorazepam for long term treatment of anxiety?

5 Answers

Anxiety master 20 June 2022

Antidepressants have not worked effectively for me or anyone I know in management of anxiety or o.c.d. Benzoziapines seem to be significantly more effective and tolerable in my broad experience in the field. Buspar is also an effective drug but had caused t.d. for me so not worth it for me. Hope this helps

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HONEYSIM1 3 March 2019

Hi I have been taking 1mg of lorazepam and 30mg of seroxate for my social anxiety ,low mood and generalized anxiety ,when I used to take lorazepam on it's own I needed a stronger dose every 6 months ,mixed with seroxate my anxiety stays stable .Hope this helps .

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awakeaftermidnight 18 June 2015

I was wondering the same thing. I've been taking lorazepam for roughly 8 years. 1 mg tablets 4 times a day. I'm also taking buspar, 10 mg tablets 4 times a day.

I have generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, ptsd and depression.

In the past; I've been on paxil, celexa, trazodone, zoloft, and xanax. But none of them work as well as the lorazepam and buspar.

You just have to figure out what works best for you. Your doctor or psychologist would know best how to treat your specific needs.

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mstrong1 17 Oct 2017

Hi I was just wondering if you are still using Adivan. I too have been using it for 8 years but it's not working very well anymore.

LaurieShay 9 Jan 2015

There are many antidepressants, such as Lexapro and Zoloft, that also address anxiety. Most are taken only once or twice a day and once they reach a steady state in your body will give you round the clock relief. There is also a medication called BuSpar which is not an antidepressant, and is prescribed specifically for anxiety.

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balbanese 7 Jan 2015

There are several, but to recommend one here would be inappropriate, as a decision would be based on a decision by your Dr based on your unique needs, health, other meds you may be taking, age, etc. etc.

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anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, lorazepam, treatment

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