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Two More Infant Deaths Attributed to Recalled Newborn Loungers

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By Physician’s Briefing Staff HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, June 8, 2023 -- After two more infant deaths, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is urging parents and caregivers to stop using recalled Boppy Newborn Loungers, which are now linked to 10 deaths in all.

The loungers were recalled in September 2021 because of eight baby deaths. An additional two deaths have been reported since the recall, the commission said Wednesday. The recall includes Boppy Original Newborn Loungers, Boppy Preferred Newborn Loungers, and Pottery Barn Kids Boppy Newborn Loungers. They are made by the Boppy Company of Golden, Colorado.

Infants can suffocate if they roll, move, or are placed on the lounger in a position that obstructs their breathing. In one death, in October 2021, the infant was put on the lounger for sleep and rolled underneath a nearby adult pillow. The cause of death was positional asphyxia. In November 2021, an infant was placed on a Newborn Lounger in an adult bed with a parent and soft bedding. That baby was later found dead on the lounger. The cause of death was undetermined.

It is illegal to offer for sale or to donate a product that has been recalled by the CPSC. The CPSC has urged online marketplaces to stop listing these products for sale. Consumers can contact the Boppy Company to get instructions for disposing of the lounger and to get a refund.

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