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What Are the Symptoms of Hepatitis C?

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By Mandi Harenberg HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, June 12, 2023 -- Hepatitis C is often missed in the early stages of infection, so you need to know what symptoms might spell trouble.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hepatitis C infections, which attack the liver, are increasing at a faster rate than a decade ago. While there’s no need for alarm, it’s important to arm yourself with accurate information for protection from infection.

What is hepatitis C?

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an infection passed through blood and body fluids. If left untreated, it causes severe liver damage like scarring and liver cancer.

“We call hepatitis C the silent killer because it’s usually discovered only years and years later, without proactive screening, when a person gets symptoms that are signs of significant liver injury,” Dr. Nancy Reau, a Rush University Medical Center hepatologist, explained in an online video.

How is hepatitis C transmitted?

The CDC explains HCV is spread through:

What are symptoms of hepatitis C?

There’s no evidence to suggest a difference between hepatitis C symptoms in men versus women.

After exposure, it’s not uncommon for someone infected with HCV to show no symptoms. If symptoms do appear, they can show up one to three months after exposure and last up to three months.

Symptoms of hepatitis C fall into two categories: acute and chronic, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Acute symptoms:

Chronic symptoms:

Many people develop symptoms of hepatitis C after years of chronic infection causing liver damage or cirrhosis. Approximately 50% of people with acute hepatitis C will develop chronic HCV, according to the CDC, which includes these symptoms:


Early detection with a simple blood test for hepatitis C is important for treatment and reduction of community spread. According to the CDC, “Current treatments usually involve just 8 to 12 weeks of oral therapy [pills] and cure over 90% with few side effects.”

Remember, left untreated over many years, hepatitis C can be deadly.

Disclaimer: Statistical data in medical articles provide general trends and do not pertain to individuals. Individual factors can vary greatly. Always seek personalized medical advice for individual healthcare decisions.

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