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Eculizumab (Monograph)

Brand name: Soliris
Drug class: Complement Inhibitor Agents

Medically reviewed by on May 10, 2024. Written by ASHP.


Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS):

FDA approved a REMS for eculizumab to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks. The REMS may apply to one or more preparations of eculizumab and consists of the following: elements to assure safe use. See


  • Risk of serious, sometimes fatal meningococcal infections.

  • Comply with the most current US Public Health Service Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) guidelines on meningococcal vaccination for patients with complement deficiencies. Vaccinate patients with a meningococcal vaccine at least 2 weeks prior to first dose of eculizumab, unless risk of delaying therapy outweighs risk of infection.

  • Monitor patients for early manifestations of meningococcal infection; infections may become rapidly life-threatening or fatal if not recognized and treated promptly. Evaluate suspected infections immediately.

  • Available only through a restricted distribution program under a REMS.


Terminal complement inhibitor; a recombinant humanized immunoglobulin IgG2/4 kappa monoclonal antibody.

Uses for Eculizumab

Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

Treatment of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) to reduce hemolysis; designated an orphan drug by FDA for this use.

Improves symptoms of PNH by reducing hemolysis, stabilizing hemoglobin concentrations, and reducing transfusion requirements. Reduced fatigue and improved quality of life also reported. Only curative treatment of PNH to date is stem cell transplantation.

Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

Treatment of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) to inhibit complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy; designated an orphan drug by FDA for this use.

Improves outcomes related to thrombotic microangiopathy (e.g., increased platelet counts, normalization of hematologic parameters) and improves renal function.

Eculizumab Dosage and Administration



Restricted Distribution Program


IV Administration

For solution and drug compatibility information, see Compatibility under Stability.

Administer by IV infusion using gravity flow or a controlled-infusion device (e.g., infusion pump or syringe pump). Do not administer by rapid IV injection such as IV push or bolus.

Allow solution to warm to room temperature before administering to patient. Do not heat (e.g., in a microwave).

Monitor patients for hypersensitivity or infusion-related reactions during and for >1 hour following each infusion. Slow infusion rate or discontinue therapy if adverse reaction occurs. (See Hypersensitivity Reactions under Cautions.)


Must dilute commercially available 10-mg/mL eculizumab concentrate for IV infusion prior to administration.

Withdraw appropriate dose of eculizumab from vial, add to infusion bag, and dilute with 5% dextrose, 0.9% sodium chloride, 0.45% sodium chloride, or Ringer’s injection to provide a final concentration of 5 mg/mL. (See Table 1.)

Table 1. Dilution of Eculizumab Concentrate for IV Infusion

Dose (Volume of Drug Concentrate)

Volume of Diluent

Final Admixture Volume

300 mg (30 mL)

30 mL

60 mL

600 mg (60 mL)

60 mL

120 mL

900 mg (90 mL)

90 mL

180 mL

1200 mg (120 mL)

120 mL

240 mL

Gently invert diluted solution to mix completely.

Vials are for single use only. Discard any unused portion after preparing dose.

Rate of Administration

Administer by IV infusion over 35 minutes; if infusion must be slowed due to adverse effects, do not exceed 2 hours total infusion time.


Pediatric Patients

Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

Adhere to recommended time points of administration, or within 2 days of each time point, to achieve maximum benefit.

Pediatric patients ≥2 months of age weighing ≥40 kg: 900 mg once a week for 4 weeks, followed by a dose of 1200 mg at week 5, then 1200 mg every 2 weeks thereafter.

Pediatric patients ≥2 months of age weighing 30 to <40 kg: 600 mg once a week for 2 weeks, followed by a dose of 900 mg at week 3, then 900 mg every 2 weeks thereafter.

Pediatric patients ≥2 months of age weighing 20 to <30 kg: 600 mg once a week for 2 weeks, followed by a dose of 600 mg at week 3, then 600 mg every 2 weeks thereafter.

Pediatric patients ≥2 months of age weighing 10 to <20 kg: Initial dose of 600 mg, followed by a dose of 300 mg at week 2, then 300 mg every 2 weeks thereafter.

Pediatric patients ≥2 months of age weighing 5 to <10 kg: Initial dose of 300 mg, followed by a dose of 300 mg at week 2, then 300 mg every 3 weeks thereafter.

In patients receiving plasmapheresis or plasma exchange, administer supplemental dose of 300 mg (if most recent dose was 300 mg) or 600 mg (if most recent dose was ≥600 mg) within 60 minutes after each plasmapheresis or plasma exchange.

In patients receiving fresh frozen plasma infusion in whom most recent eculizumab dose was ≥300 mg, administer supplemental dose of 300 mg 60 minutes prior to each unit of fresh frozen plasma infused.

Optimal duration of therapy not known. Because of chronic nature of aHUS and some evidence suggesting that treatment discontinuance may result in a return of disease manifestations, long-term (e.g., at least 1 year) therapy may be beneficial; some experts recommend lifelong therapy.


Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria

Initially, 600 mg every 7 days for 4 weeks, followed by one dose of 900 mg 7 days later (week 5), then 900 mg every 14 days thereafter.

Administer drug at these recommended time points, or within 2 days of each time point, to achieve maximum benefit. A few patients have required a decrease in the recommended dosage interval (i.e., from 14 to 12 days) to achieve optimal reduction in hemolysis (as determined by reduction in LDH levels).

Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

900 mg once a week for 4 weeks, followed by a dose of 1200 mg 1 week later (at week 5), then 1200 mg every 2 weeks thereafter. Administer drug at these recommended time points, or within 2 days of each time point, to achieve maximum benefit.

In patients receiving plasmapheresis or plasma exchange, administer supplemental dose of 300 mg (if most recent dose was 300 mg) or 600 mg (if most recent dose was ≥600 mg) within 60 minutes after each plasmapheresis or plasma exchange.

In patients receiving fresh frozen plasma infusion in whom most recent eculizumab dose was ≥300 mg, administer supplemental dose of 300 mg 60 minutes prior to each unit of fresh frozen plasma infused.

Optimal duration of therapy not known. Because of chronic nature of aHUS and some evidence suggesting that treatment discontinuance may result in a return of disease manifestations, long-term (e.g., at least 1 year) therapy may be beneficial; some experts recommend lifelong therapy.

Cautions for Eculizumab


Active, severe N. meningitidis infection.

Patients not currently vaccinated against N. meningitidis, unless risk of delaying treatment outweighs risk of developing a meningococcal infection.



Serious Meningococcal Infections

Serious, sometimes life-threatening or fatal meningococcal infections (e.g., sepsis, meningitis) reported.

Do not initiate therapy in patients with unresolved, serious N. meningitidis infections or in those not immunized against N. meningitidis unless risk of delaying therapy outweigh risks of infection. (See Contraindications and also see Boxed Warning.)

Unvaccinated patients must receive an appropriate polyvalent meningococcal vaccine series at least 2 weeks prior to first dose of eculizumab and receive revaccination of booster doses thereafter according to current vaccination guidelines. (See Vaccinations under Dosage and Administration.) If urgent treatment with eculizumab is necessary in an unvaccinated patient, administer meningococcal vaccine as soon as possible. Vaccination can reduce, but does not eliminate, risk of meningococcal infection; cases of meningococcal septicemia reported in patients treated with eculizumab despite immunization.

Prophylactic use of antibiotics (e.g., penicillin) also has been employed and is recommended by some clinicians; however, benefits and risks of antibiotic prophylaxis not established.

Monitor closely for early manifestations of meningococcal infection during therapy. (See Advice to Patients.) Evaluate immediately if infection is suspected; discontinue therapy if serious infection requiring treatment occurs.

Other Warning and Precautions

Hypersensitivity Reactions

Infusion reactions requiring discontinuance of eculizumab not observed during clinical trials, but hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis possible with all therapeutic proteins.

Monitor for infusion-related reactions; if manifestations of cardiovascular instability or respiratory compromise occur, interrupt infusion and initiate appropriate treatment.

Other Infections

Eculizumab increases susceptibility to infections caused by encapsulated bacteria, particularly meningococcal infections. (See Boxed Warning.)

Also increases risk of S. pneumoniae and Hib infections in children; administer appropriate vaccinations. (See Vaccinations under Dosage and Administration.)

Use caution in patients with any systemic infection.

Complications Following Treatment Discontinuance

Possible risk of serious hemolysis following discontinuance of therapy in patients with PNH. Monitor patients for ≥8 weeks after discontinuing therapy for manifestations of hemolysis.

Possible return of thrombotic microangiopathic symptoms following discontinuance of therapy in patients with aHUS; monitor patients for ≥12 weeks after discontinuing therapy for manifestations of thrombotic microangiopathy (e.g., mental status changes, seizures, angina, dyspnea, thrombosis). In addition, the occurrence of 2 of the following laboratory changes or a repeat occurrence of any one of the changes may indicate the development of thrombotic microangiopathy: a decrease in platelet count by ≥25% compared with baseline or the peak platelet count during eculizumab treatment; an increase in Scr by ≥25% compared with baseline or the nadir value during eculizumab treatment; or an increase in serum LDH concentration by ≥25% from baseline or the nadir value during eculizumab treatment. Consider reinitiation of drug, plasma therapy, and/or supportive measures if manifestations of thrombotic microangiopathy recur after discontinuance of therapy.

Thrombosis Prevention and Management

High risk of venous thrombosis (potentially life-threatening or fatal) in patients with PNH. Effects of withdrawing anticoagulant therapy in patients receiving eculizumab not established. Treatment with eculizumab should not affect concomitant anticoagulant management.


As with all therapeutic proteins, there is a risk of immunogenicity with eculizumab. Antibodies to eculizumab, including some that were neutralizing, have been detected; no apparent relationship between the development of antibodies and clinical response.

Laboratory Monitoring

In patients with PNH, serum LDH concentrations may be used to monitor response to therapy (e.g., hemolysis, PNH erythrocytes). Following withdrawal of therapy, monitor serum LDH concentrations and other parameters to detect serious hemolysis. (See Complications Following Treatment Discontinuance under Cautions.)

In patients with aHUS, platelet counts, serum LDH concentrations, and Scr may be used to monitor the effects of eculizumab therapy as well as to monitor for signs of thrombotic microangiopathy. (See Complications Following Treatment Discontinuance under Cautions.)

Specific Populations


Category C.


Not known whether eculizumab is distributed into human milk. (See Extent under Pharmacokinetics.) Caution if used in nursing women.

Pediatric Use

Safety and efficacy for the treatment of PNH not established in children <18 years of age.

Safety and efficacy for the treatment of aHUS has been established in children ≥2 months of age. Response and safety in these pediatric patients were similar to those in adults.

Ensure that pediatric patients receive appropriate vaccinations for the prevention of N. meningitidis, S. pneumoniae, and Hib infections. (See Serious Meningococcal Infections and also see Other Infections under Cautions.)

Geriatric Use

Insufficient experience in patients ≥65 years of age to determine whether geriatric patients respond differently than younger patients.

Common Adverse Effects

Patients with PNH: Headache, nasopharyngitis, back pain, nausea, fatigue, cough, herpes simplex infections, sinusitis, respiratory tract infection, constipation, myalgia, pain in extremity, influenza-like illness.

Patients with aHUS: Hypertension, upper respiratory tract infection, diarrhea, headache, anemia, vomiting, nausea, urinary tract infection, leukopenia, insomnia, cough, pharyngolaryngeal pain, abdominal pain, fatigue, peripheral edema, pyrexia, vertigo, extremity pain.

Drug Interactions

No formal drug interaction studies to date.

Eculizumab Pharmacokinetics


Plasma Concentrations

Plasma concentrations ≥35 mcg/mL required to block complement.


Complement activity inhibited for ≤2 weeks following single dose.

Reduction of hemolysis (as determined by reduction in LDH concentrations) maintained at least 52 weeks in open-label study.



Human IgG crosses placenta and is distributed into milk. Potential exists for eculizumab to cross placenta and distribute into milk.



Metabolic fate of immunoglobulins not well characterized; catabolized in various tissues via diffuse cellular processes.

Elimination Route

Minimal excretion in urine expected due to large molecular size. Small quantities of immunoglobulin found in bile.


Patients with PNH: Approximately 272 hours.

Patients with aHUS: Approximately 291 hours.

Special Populations

In patients with aHUS undergoing plasma exchange interventions, clearance was increased and half-life reduced (to 1.26 hours).





2–8°C. Do not freeze or shake. Store in manufacturer’s carton and protect from light.

Following dilution, stable for 24 hours at 2–8°C or at room temperature.

Single-use vials do not contain preservative. Discard unused portions.



Solution Compatibility1


Dextrose 5% in water

Sodium chloride 0.45 or 0.9%

Ringer’s injection


Advice to Patients

Additional Information

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. represents that the information provided in the accompanying monograph was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, and in conformity with professional standards in the field. Readers are advised that decisions regarding use of drugs are complex medical decisions requiring the independent, informed decision of an appropriate health care professional, and that the information contained in the monograph is provided for informational purposes only. The manufacturer's labeling should be consulted for more detailed information. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. does not endorse or recommend the use of any drug. The information contained in the monograph is not a substitute for medical care.


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

Distribution of eculizumab is restricted. (See Restricted Distribution Program under Dosage and Administration.)



Dosage Forms


Brand Names



For injection, concentrate, for IV infusion only

10 mg/mL (300 mg)



AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions May 10, 2024. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

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