I was started on Trintellix 10mg once a day over 2 months ago. If I don't take it with Zofran, I get nauseous to the point of vomiting within an hour of taking it. I thought such a side effect would subside after the first month, but it definitely hasn't. Is it normal to still be sick? I feel absolutely fine if I take the Zofran, but can I really take that long term, like every day for as long as I am on Trintellix? I'm worried I'm not going to be able to tolerate it, which stinks because it has been helping my depression. I also had an initial side effect of itching all over my body, which went away, and is now back again. :( I'm dreading going back to the doctor because I do not want to start all over again on new medicines. I've tried so many (Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro, Effexor, Abilify) that haven't worked, I'm afraid I'm running out of options. I just want to feel better.